Tag Archives: bird

Rocket Bird

There are some in the world that really really want to fly like the birds… but they hate paragliders, hang gliders and sailplanes. So what is left for these people? Maybe strapping some small engines to your legs and using a wingsuit might do the trick… this guy claims he managed to fly straight and […]

The helicopter video

Man I just love helicopters. I’ve flown gliders and planes but the helicopter remains the love of my life. And this helicopter video is one of my favorites. This is a presentation of helicopters in service with the US Army, and there is some great action featuring the Huey, Comanche, Apache, Chinook, Blackhawk, Kiowa Warrior, […]

Future of Aviation?

With our precious oil reserves diminishing by the day, and as the price for fuel is on ascending trend, can this be the future of aviation? Redefining the expression ” Iron Bird”.