Month: November 2007

Red Bull speed gliding

Speed gliding is all about flying your hang glider as fast as possible through a series of gates. Ever heard the expression “treetop level” ? Well, guess you can call this one grasstop level. Sit back and enjoy this wild and crazy ride.

Tomcat & Hornet do a great flyby

It is well known that the F-18 Hornet replaced the veteran F-14 Tomcat on the aircraft carriers of the US Navy. So Tomcat pilots didn’t really like Hornet pilots. Regardless, this has to be one of the coolest flybys in the history of flybys, and one of those old meets new formation flying.

Top speed challenge

A really fast bike, a really fast car and a not so really fast airplane battle it out in an old fashioned quarter mile drag race to find out who is fastest. Who do you think will be the winner?

Extreme skydiving – burning parachute!!!

One of the most extreme, crazy, mad, insane … ( and the list can go like this for pages ) stunts I have ever seen. Surely, he knew what he was doing and was in control the whole time, but man, there is something about having a burning parachute over your head that gives me […]

Oh, @!$# !!!

This is really one intense video. Crazy near miss, or near hit. This guy passes inches away from an incoming airplane. After seeing this one I have to say i totally agree with him. Left me wondering though… what would have happened if he didn’t pop the chute?

The real Batman

Jean Loic Albert is one of the pioneers of slope flying. Basically, what slope flying means, is you take a wingsuit and glide a few meters above a slope. It doesn’t really get much more extreme than this. I think this can certainly be categorized as low level flying.

Cleared for take off

Sometimes, some messages aren’t for you. Another really funny commercial. Sometimes these commercials can be really crazy. Had a good laugh. A warning for all skydivers :))

Future of Aviation?

With our precious oil reserves diminishing by the day, and as the price for fuel is on ascending trend, can this be the future of aviation? Redefining the expression ” Iron Bird”.